The truth of who you are is Sacred Love and you were born into the wilderness of Life.

Here, we contend with wounds and disconnects (ours, others, ancestral, cultural). The tension between these two truths can be used to foster more resiliency and greater wholeness, or it can keep us coping; hurt and hurting, fearful, and ineffective.

Group Work


Group work is an antidote to misdirected individualism and an increasingly isolated society.

A reminder that while we are unique, we are also interdependent and universally connected; it allows us to practice bringing our individual wholeness into more accurately complex and life-like environments.

Within the healthy containment of intentional space, we gather, courageous, curious, and compassionate - knowing that individually we don’t have the answers or capacity to change culture or the world… yet fully trusting we are better, more resilient and creative, together.

In these offerings, it’s all about us: communal, sacred, and brave.



All group sessions are currently online, for your convenience.



Fanning the Embers of Aliveness:

a series of gatherings in a virtual roundhouse, marking the important moments in the Wheel of the Year with ceremony and story

Join us for the whole year, or individual gatherings

Sat Mar 22 ✸ Sun May 4 ✸ Sat June 21 ✸ Sun Aug 3 ✸ Sat Sep 20 ✸ Sun Nov 2 ✸ Sat Dec 20

all for 2hrs each; at 2-4pm ET

I believe integrating deep spiritual nourishment, rest, and nature connection (three things which help me immensely when I’m burned out) into our everyday lives is the only way we’ll begin to create a world that doesn’t keep burning us out, making us want to run. And luckily for us, our long-ago ancestors left us some maps for how to do that.

So let’s gather together, about every six weeks, to honor the the solstices, equinoxes, and cross quarter days; in a way that invites more spirituality, magic, and ancestor connection into how we’re living, where we’re living.

I anticipate our live gatherings including:

  • a transmission of roundhouse presence, gifted me by the ruins of an ancient roundhouse in the far north of Scotland;

  • a preparing ourselves to enter into sacred space;

  • a guided journey to connect with the energy of the season;

  • a myth or story for the season, carrying the medicine of both archetype *and* some sort of cultural memory;

  • space for reflections and witnessing;

  • and good closing.

You’ll also receive suggested prompts for each gathering to deepen your connection to the season, yourself, and ancestral practices and rituals.



gathering in our virtual round house for the deep rest needed for true burnout recovery

(the revamped offering of Sanctuary will come back soon! thanks for your patience. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date, you’re welcome to register your interest here.)