November 16, 2020


Look at the cards, let your eyes and other senses take them in. Notice what ripples through your body. Any thoughts or emotions or memories? Any sensations? Ask yourself how these cards leave you feeling and what they stir up. That is their message to you.

The message that seems to want to come through me is one of hope and balance.

Of deep nurturing.

Of the kind of vulnerability and surrender that allows you to be held and healed and whole.

Of what’s possible when you can flow with life. And of what it takes to do that- a balance of shadow and light, of logic and emotion, or tenderness and vigilance.

Of recognizing that you are enough.

That life does not happen to you, but rather for you.

That you are both the protector and the one being protected.

That what you seek is within you AND you are not alone.

If all of this sounds paradoxical, that’s because it is. And the more we build our capacity to hold that, the more grace and ease we find as we navigate the waters and winds of life.

Tarot: Page of Swords

Flower spirit: Calendula

Sacred Mother and Goddess: Yemaya

Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore;

Sacred Mothers and Goddesses deck by Claudia Olivos;

Flower Therapy deck by Doreen

October 12, 2020


Notice the stillness, the ability to hold charged energy, the poised moment of rest before action.

There is an invitation to get clear in your mind, put down any battles happening there (perhaps even by dancing, or moving your body in safe, pleasurable ways). And allow your actions to then come from a different place.

The mind can be a wilderness. The body is our compass. And when we need light, that comes from the wisdom of our hearts.

We have a battle ahead of us, these cards warn. We will need wariness, alertness, discernment. We need swords of clarity to cut through fog. We need the protection of heart wisdom. We need pleasure. And vision. We also need to rest periodically. To stop moving. Stop fighting. Come back to the middle way. Allow flowers to come forth from the mud. Remember what it is we protect. And what it is that makes this all worth while.

There is a strong force working to tug us off center. It could be too much rest/ apathy and the false death of hopelessness. It could be too much mental energy and battles without clarity, groundedness, embodiment. To stay centered we have to find balance and build our resiliency- our ability to hold the charge of potential energy within us without being swept away by it. We must know when to be the calm in the storm... and when to harness our power for action.

Goddess oracle: Bastet (Guardian and Protectress)

Equine wisdom oracle: Language of the Breath (Sociosensual Awareness; Heart Intelligence; Nonverbal Communication)

Tarot: 4 of Swords

Sacred Mothers and Goddesses deck by Claudia Olivos; Equine wisdom deck by Linda Kohanov with art by Kim McElroy; Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

September 14, 2020


Take a moment to breathe deeply and allow the symbols presented to trickle into the deeper parts of your mind, of the cells in your body. There is another plane of existence, other ways of knowing, ancestral memories... all accessed through symbolism and metaphor. When you take these cards in, what shifts in your body? Any emotions arise? Any connections made?

You should always use this explorative practice when engaging with messages and your own inner wisdom, but it feels particularly important to remind you now when the messages seem to carry the reminder of pause, of rest, of going inward.

The present is in a constant state of emergence. Life is always flowing, even in times of gestation. Because what will be always grows from what is. Right now.

Health and longevity are collectively ours to be had. They are our innate state as potential energy made manifest. (This does not mean we all fit into some ‘ideal’ or ‘model’ of what health is. This is not ableism). It means that where there is dis-ease, we must be willing to stop making ourselves victim, giving our power away, and get honest about how we contribute to the collective malady. What can we give up and surrender in order to return to the ever emerging flow state? To do this, we need to take periods of rest, meditation, hibernation. We must purify our minds through stillness and a awareness. We must return to the primal understandings we’ve forgotten that are coded into our very DNA, our very bones. Self-care can only go so far if dis-ease remains our collective pattern.

What world are we leaving for those who will come after? What seeds will grow from the gestation moment of the present? We have the power to weave the stories of the future. What will your legacy be?

Rune- Inguz (progeny, gestation)

Goddess- White Tara (Health and Longevity)

Animal oracle- Bear

Tarot- Four of Swords & The Hanged Man

Sacred Mothers and Goddesses oracle deck by Claudia Olivos; Animal Spirits art by Susan Seddon Boulet; Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

September 7, 2020


There is a theme here in being willing to explore the unknown. This takes courage and compassion. It also takes discernment. Liminal spaces can hold the possibility of new dreams, or they can hold illusions that sidetrack us and keep us lost in fear and manipulation. There is an inherent perfection in all of life. There is an inherent perfection even in us humans, as badly as we sometimes f*ck up. What we are being asked for now is to step out of fear- to stop hunting the wrong enemies and to be very discerning in where we place our belief. Just because our small self agrees with something does not make it *Truth*. There is a magic available to us right now to believe in and craft a better world from these spaces of the unformed and the possible. Do not fall prey to misinformation and those who would tell you that the marginalized are your enemies. Instead, trust nature, trust compassion, trust the perfection of your own shadow-light.

Rune: Wunjo (perfection)

Equine wisdom: Believe (Trust in the Unknown and the Unformed; Faith and Vision; The Authentic Self)

Goddess wisdom: Artemis

Tarot: The Moon

Equine deck from Linda Kohanov, art by Kim McElroy; Sacred Mothers and Goddesses oracle deck by Claudia Olivos; Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

August 31, 2020


Combined these messengers offer both a warning and a way out. They remind us that competition in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. That healthy competition charges us up with activated energy- the same kind of energy needed to generate movement, creation, transformation.

The problems arise when we turn to unhealthy competition- competition born out of fear, of bitterness over sacrifice (especially when given where it wasn’t asked for), of a sense of lack. In those moments, everyone loses.

Where in your life are you using your creative potential to tear people down? Where is your lifting someone up making you bitter- are you sacrificing yourself in places where no one asked you to? Can you feel the difference between healthy competition (the kind that inspires you to reach for the stars or create something never before seen) and fear rivalry? Which is more present in your life right now? What battles are you fighting that cannot be won by anyone because they come from a place tainted by fear?

Abundance, creation, the pleasures of life- all are heightened and multiplied through the friction generated by things that appear opposite. We lose resiliency and become stagnant when we seek monocultures and unity through sameness. But don’t mistake aggression, war, or martyrdom for healthy competition and the uplifting of others. We must unlearn and relearn if we are to see a world where all can thrive.

Rune- Fehu (Wealth, Generative energy, abundance)
Sacred Mothers and Goddess oracle-
Freyja (Sensuality, Creativity)
Equine wisdom:
Rivalry (Fear Aggression, Competition for Limited Resources, Moving Beyond Survival)
Ten of Wands, reversed (Shouldering a burden, self-sacrifice)

Equine wisdom deck: Linda Kohanov, art by Kim McElroy; Sacred Mothers and Goddesses deck: Claudia Olivos; Shadowscapes Tarot: Stephanie Pui-Mun Law