Insight 2025: Card of the Month (subscription)


Insight 2025: Card of the Month (subscription)

$40.00 every month for 11 months

Card of the Month:a year-long membership with a new thematic archetypal energy drawn just for you, at the beginning of each month;


an ideal way to develop, maintain, or deepen your listening practice to the ebbs and flows of your own journey throughout the year;

perfect if you’re someone who wants ongoing, regular support co-creating your life with Mystery or more accountability with carving out space for your inquiry and ritual practices. *(can be worked with alongside your Card of the Year (regular or Deluxe) to support accountability to your own unfolding)

What’s included (delivered via email):

  • a unique-to-you one-card drawing each month Jan-Dec (you’ll be sent a picture of the card drawn for you) with your archetypal guides/theme, delivered by the 5th of each month;

  • a voice memo with each drawing with a message on what I’m sensing as I draw the card;

  • a PDF with each drawing with suggested steps on how to engage with your card reading, intuited inquiries for you to sit with or journal on, plus suggested embodiment or deepening practices to work with the archetypes of your cards and theme in a more practical or action-oriented way.

  • a year-end retrospective gathering, live and on Zoom, looking back at our reading from the beginning of the year to integrate, celebrate, and look forward. Scheduled for Sat Dec 6th, 2025.

This offering is a year-long agreement between the two of us. Once begun, it will not be possible to cancel and you will be responsible for paying all twelve months.

You will receive your reading via the email you provide by the 5th of each month, unless you purchase between January 5th-16th, in which case you will receive it within 72 business hours and each subsequent month will arrive by the 5th.

Subscribe for your 'Card of the Month' membership